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Helicopter Based Search of Avalanche Victims

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The professional system HAS457-2 provides a very fast search by helicopter for persons who have been buried in an
avalanche, provided that the persons are carrying an avalanche transceiver.
The primary use is with large avalanches, in case of danger of secondary avalanches or other objective dangers.
The system is also very advantageous for searching for missed persons on any kind of terrain such as avalanches, crevasses,
forests, gorges or other inaccessible areas.

The system features an omnidirectional antenna that will receive signals from transceivers from all directions with equal sensitivity. For performing a search, the antenna is suspended a few meters below the helicopter in order to avoid any interference from the electromagnetic signals emanated by the helicopter.
For searching a signal, the helicopter flies over the search area according to procedures as specified. The ensuing coarse search uses the classical method of bracketing on two orthogonal axes. Once a transceiver has been located, the spot is marked with a flag (heavy object with marker band attached) and a rescuer is lowered by means of the winch or exits to ground for performing a fine search.

The HAS457-2 is only used temporarily, there is no need for permanent installation or modifications to the helicopter. The system must be stored in the helicopter during the winter season. The complete system, ready for use, is stored in a special bag and can be deployed within a very short time.

Aiut Alpin Dolomites - Italy
Air Glacier - Switzerland
Air Zermatt - Switzerland
AP3 Christoph - Liechtenstein
CHC Helicopter Service SA - Norway
CNSAS Dolomiti Bellunesi - Italy
CNSAS Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italy
CNSAS Lomardo - Italy
Colorado Highland Helicopters - USA
Elitellina SRL - Italy
Flight for Life - USA
Flugrettung Südtirol / Weisses Kreuz - Italy
Juneau Mountain Rescue - USA
KNS Communications - USA
LT Tech AS - Norway
Norsk Luftambulanse - Norway
Norwegian Armed Force - Norway
ÖAMTC - Austria
PGHM - Briançon - France
PGHM - Chamonix-Mont-Blanc - France
REGA - Switzerland
Schweizer Armee - Switzerland
SDIS 74 Sapeurs Pompiers - France
Search & Rescue - New Zealand
Supervisor Teton Country - USA
Wanaka Alpine Cliff Rescue - New Zealand

Development History


Previous System


In 2000, the company Girsberger Elektronik AG developed and launched the first helicopter-based avalanche victim search system equipped with an omnidirectional receiving antenna. Initially called the VS2000 Pro Ext, the system was later renamed HAS457. This system proved to be highly effective for many rescue organizations worldwide and contributed to saving numerous lives.


New Development in 2018


In 2015, we decided to undertake a complete redevelopment of the system. The focus was on providing a more efficient search process with visual display features offering directional and distance information, as well as extended range capabilities.

However, various studies, hardware and software developments, and extensive field tests revealed the following challenges:


  • Enormous development effort

  • Required certification due to fixed hardware installation in helicopters

  • Additional and necessary control and display device (tablet)

  • Reduced range

  • High software maintenance requirements

  • Insufficient progress in functionality

  • Very high procurement costs

As a result, in 2017, we decided not to digitize the system but to retain it in its analog form.


The receiver now features a level indicator to monitor the received signal. This level indicator supports the search process, interference detection, and functionality tests.
Overall, the system is more compact, offers improved range, and includes various new useful features, as described below.

Do you have questions?

Our support team is happy to help – contact us for personalized advice!

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